

  • "Made in the Shade"
    A package on Southern writers: profiles, interviews and an 11-state directory of writers you may never have heard of but are worth your time. Appeared in Creative Loafing chain.
  • "Mass Appeal"
    A day-in-the-life profile of a telegenic parish priest in Miami. Published in Catholic Digest, reprinted in the St. Petersburg Times
  • "The Liberation of Tam Minh Pham"
    How the first West Point graduate from South Vietnam disappears after the fall of Saigon, only to be rescued by his classmates two decades later. A cover story in The Washington Post Magazine


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Marc Hedlund

Hey, Chip,

Thanks much for the write-up. It's funny how often the phrase "Minister of Finance" came up when I would talk to couples about their money and how they manage it. It seemed like there was no pattern -- sometimes it was a woman, sometimes a man, sometimes the person who made more money, sometimes not. It didn't even correlate with the person who takes out the trash. :)

The approach I took in thinking about Wesabe was how to make the site useful for the person who was *not* the Minister of Finance. Almost all the MoF's I spoke with said they wished they could get their partner more involved in the household finances. I figured if I could do that, and provide just enough features to keep the MoF happy too, we'd be in good shape.

Thanks again, and I'm glad you're liking the site.

Marc Hedlund, co-founder, Wesabe

moncler boots

It’s certainly unsanitary. There are many customs in other countries that may seem strange to us. For example, in Thailand, you should never touch someone on the head.

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