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Asking a Question, Painting a Portrait
By Amy Wu and Kelly Carr
Banaszynski spoke about the ladder of abstraction, stretching from universal themes to precise details, like the story of one individual or family. It helps to actually draw a ladder and write down the subject of the piece at the bottom, and work up to the greater theme at the top.
Interviews are the key to a good profile, Banaszynski said. She offered some tips on how to elicit information from reticent sources, including:
1. Ask questions so deep and sometimes so peculiar that the person is more likely to give you his or her “internal” versus “external” resume. (Banazsynski: “Who you are vs. what you’ve done.”)
2. Putting the subject in a familiar place might make him or her feel more at ease to talk about things.
3. Push back against people, Banaszynski said. Put yourself in the interview a little. Throw some verbal assumptions at them. For example, if interviewing a car accident victim, you might say, “You must be terribly angry about what happened. Did you want to hit someone?” In agreeing or arguing with your statements, they’ll refine your sense of who they are and what they feel — “No, I wanted to throw something.”
Amy Wu is a freelance writer based in New York. Kelly Carr is a reporter for the Battle Creek Enquirer.
Posted in interviewing, profiles, sessions.Profiles in Journalism, speakers.Jacqui Banaszynski on December 12, 2003 at 05:14 PM | Permalink